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The Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology


HiTOP 2025 Conference
call for abstracts

Abstract submission portal can be found here.

We are pleased to announce that the 2025 HiTOP Conference will take place in-person March 27-29 at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel in Denver, CO! We are looking for submissions that include symposia, individual paper talks, flash talks for the Trainee Showcase Symposium, roundtable discussions, or posters reporting on completed studies or works in progress. We encourage submissions on diverse HiTOP-relevant content areas using varied research methods. We are especially excited to highlight presentations that emphasize HiTOP across development; diversity, inclusion, equity, and justice (DEIJ) issues; and dissemination and/or implementation. We particularly welcome submissions from women, clinicians and researchers from other underrepresented or epistemically excluded groups, and early-career scientists.

Abstracts are due by November 8th, 2024, at 11:59PM EST. Notification of submissions chosen for presentation will be provided by mid-December. Please note that all presentations will require in-person attendance. We recognize that some individuals may not be able to attend the conference in person. However, do know that unfortunately we cannot afford the AV support to facilitate virtual presentations without dramatically inflating costs. We hope to accommodate hybrid options for the HiTOP conference in future years.

Note: The HiTOP Conference is a stand-alone meeting that will co-occur with the annual meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment (SPA). SPA staff are helping to coordinate the conference, and their infrastructure is making it possible to hold an in-person meeting.

Presentation Formats
Symposia: A symposium features brief presentations from 3-5 speakers on a related topic (60-90 minutes total). Talks should feature integrative comments from a symposium chair/discussant, with time for audience Q&A. In addition to broadly relevant topics related to development, DEI, and dissemination/implementation, this year we are also interested in submissions that highlight challenges and alternative perspectives to HiTOP and links between HiTOP and other systems in psychopathology and personality.

Individual (Paper) Talks: Paper talks are brief (~10-15 minute) presentations of a paper (e.g., empirical or review) that is in advanced stages of preparation, in press or recently published.

Roundtable Discussion (new!): Presenters may submit abstracts for a dynamic roundtable discussion with relevance to HiTOP. For example, roundtables can focus on pedagogy (e.g., discussion around teaching HiTOP to undergraduates) as well as on HiTOP-specific topics for which there is a broadly interesting on-going debate or challenge (e.g., clinical applications).  This session should aim to foster collaborative dialogue, share innovative ideas, and explore diverse perspectives within the field. Selected participants will be expected to lead a constructive conversation that emphasizes the exchange of ideas and experiences, leading to new and innovative project ideas.

Trainee Showcase Flash Talks: We are soliciting abstracts from trainees and early career scientists (e.g., postdocs) to highlight the breadth and diversity of the excellent work trainees are doing related to HiTOP. Talks can be on HiTOP-relevant projects at any stage, including those about to be submitted, under review, or in press as well as fresh results from milestone projects. Each presenter will be allotted approximately 5 minutes, although this time allotment might change depending on the number of submissions received.

Posters: Submissions for posters may include presentations of works in progress. Students submitting posters may request that up to three HiTOP members attend and discuss their poster. These requests will be forwarded to the HiTOP members indicated and honored when possible. Additionally, students can request their paper to be considered for a Trainee Showcase Flash Talk within the poster submission form.

Submission Instructions
Individual abstracts should not exceed 1500 characters. For symposia, the chairperson should include an abstract for the symposium as a whole (1500 characters) and the symposia/panel speakers will provide individual abstracts for each presentation (each 1500 characters). The overall abstract should include an overview of the content, as well as information about how discussion will be incorporated into the presentation.

Hope to see you all there!

The HiTOP Conference Committee

James Li (Chair)
Chris Conway
Jeffrey Girard
Bob Krueger
Holly Levin-Aspenson
Len Simms
Irwin Waldman
Nathan Victoria (SPA)
LiChen Dong
Frank He
Brooke Sasia

Get Involved in the HiTOP Effort

New members are always welcome