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The Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology



Dear 2025 HiTOP Conference presenters:

We are very excited to see your presentations at the 2025 HiTOP Conference in Denver, CO on March 27-29. You are receiving this email because you are listed as the contact person for your accepted HiTOP presentation.

Please make sure you are aware of the day/time and order of your presentation by viewing our preliminary conference program, located on the conference website: https://www.hitop-system.org/hitop-2025-conference.  

Because we are running a single-tracked program this year (i.e., no competing presentations), it is important that presentations transition smoothly from one presenter to the next. In order to drastically reduce the likelihood of technical issues that arise the day-of, all HiTOP presenters must submit their presentation materials in .pptx format via this submission link by Friday, March 21, 2025 at 11:59 PM, Central Standard Time (CST). This will allow us to collate all presentations and upload them onto the conference-provided laptop ahead of time (likely a PC). I’ve also made the upload link EVEN BIGGER so you don’t miss it:


*** Failure to submit your presentation by this deadline may result in the removal of your presentation from the 2025 HiTOP program. The HiTOP Conference Committee is short staffed so you will NOT be able to make changes to your slides after your presentation has been uploaded. If not being able to edit your slides until the minute-of your presentation causes consternation, we kindly ask that you consider working on and refining your presentation slides ahead of time instead of day-of (yes, that includes running any analyses with the March 21st deadline in mind, rather than day-of your presentation). And it might also be helpful to keep in mind a wise saying that a philosopher once said: don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.***

Please see details and upload instructions for each presentation format below. If you have any questions about the file submission process, please contact Brooke Sasia (sasia@wisc.edu). All other questions can be directed to me, James Li (james.li@wisc.edu).

We are looking forward to an exciting conference!

James Li, 2025 HiTOP Conference Committee Chair

Flash Talks

There will be two Flash Talk sessions, each lasting for 1.5 hours. There will be approximately 15 Flash Talks per session. Please review when and in what order you are slated to present by viewing the updated conference schedule on the conference website: https://www.hitop-system.org/hitop-2025-conference.

Poster Session

The poster session will be held on Saturday, March 29th from 5:30-7pm during the SPA/HiTOP Joint Closing Reception. All Flash Talkers are expected to present posters during the poster session. This will allow HiTOP members to learn more about your research and to ask follow up questions.

Individual Talks

Each Individual Talk has been assigned to a "Cluster" theme with an accompanying Chair who will moderate your session. Please review when/in which cluster you are slated to present by viewing the updated conference schedule on the conference website: https://www.hitop-system.org/hitop-2025-conference


Symposium Chairs are responsible for collecting presentations from each presenter on their panel, collate, and upload as a single .pptx file.


If necessary, Roundtable Chairs are responsible for collecting presentations from each presenter on their panel, collate, and upload as a single .pptx file. If no slides will be used for the Roundtable, please indicate that in the submission.

Get Involved in the HiTOP Society

New members are always welcome