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The Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology


The Executive Committee
Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes are presented in chronological order. Minutes are taken by Miri Forbes.

June 27th
Present: Bob, James, Katherine, Len, Miri, Roman
Apology: Tim

Meeting Minutes:

July 11th
Present: Bob, James, Katherine, Len, Miri, Roman, Tim
Apologies: none

Meeting Minutes:

Action items:

Next meeting is August 21st 5pm ET

August 22nd
Present: Bob, Katherine, Miri, Roman
Apologies: James, Len, Tim

Meeting Minutes:

Action items:

Next meeting is TBC

A possible membership drive plan drafted by Miri:

September 17th
Present (in order of my Zoom screen): Bob, Miri, Len, Nathan Victoria (SPA), James, Roman, Katherine, Tim
Apologies: None

Meeting Minutes:

SPA partnership

2024 Conference

2025 Conference

Future Conferences

Timelines/next steps

Other notes:

Action items:

Next meeting is TBC

Loose membership drive plan [steps 1 and 2 should probably be combined now with the timeline for the conference]:

October 3rd
Present: Bob, James, Len, Miri
Apologies: Katherine, Roman, Tim

Meeting minutes:
Plan for finances and admin for 2025 meeting

Plan for launching the society/pitch


Action items

October 17th
Present: Bob, Len, Miri, David, Katherine
Apologies: James, Roman, Tim

Meeting minutes:

Action items

October 22nd
Present: Bob, David, James, Katherine, Len, Miri, Roman, Tim

Meeting minutes:
Membership criteria:

MOU and fees:

Decisions made

Action items

Topics to discuss next time

November 19th
Present: Bob, David, James, Katherine, Len, Miri, Roman (second half), Tim
Apologies: None

Meeting minutes:
MOU with SPA:

Membership committee decided on the membership criteria:

HiTOP Society membership categories and criteria

Individuals who don’t fall into one of these sub-categories but believes they qualify as a trainee is encouraged to contact the membership committee with a description of their status.

Conference update:

Membership dues

What that nature and status of the consortium will be once the society is formed

Decisions made:

Action items:

December 3rd
Present: Bob, James, Len, Miri, David, Katherine, Tim
Apologies: Roman

Meeting minutes:
Discussion of co-ordinating timing of society launch with abstract acceptances and registration for conference

Communication between groups under the HiTOP umbrella

Other points:

Action items:

Items to discuss next time

Next meeting is January 6th 2pm CT

January 14th
Present: Bob, David, James, Katherine, Miri, Roman
Apologies: Len, Tim

Meeting minutes:


Action items

Items to discuss next time:

HiTOP Society EC minutes
February 5th
Present: Bob, David, James, Katherine, Len, Miri, Roman, Tim

Meeting minutes:
We discussed the issues that have arisen around the letter to Meta we drafted on their revised hateful conduct policy:

The committee also unanimously approved posting the historical minutes Miri shared to the website to facilitate transparency and improve communication around the discussions and work in this group.

Action items:

Get Involved in the HiTOP Society

New members are always welcome