Membership dues:
Annual membership dues are $150 for faculty and $20 for students, with discounts available to anyone with a financial need for reduced fees.
Membership criteria:
Regular membership includes any adult with a terminal degree (e.g., Masters, PhD, MD) in psychology, psychiatry, social work, or a related field.
Student membership has two sub-categories:
Undergraduate. Any adult currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program, or who received their undergraduate degree in the 3 years preceding the date of application.
Graduate. Any adult currently enrolled in a terminal degree program in psychology, psychiatry, or a related field.
Individuals who don’t fall into one of these sub-categories but believe they qualify as a trainee are encouraged to contact the membership committee with a description of their status.
To apply: To apply for membership, please email Dr Katherine Jonas.
Membership processes:
Applicants will be asked to confirm that they meet the criteria above. Applications are reviewed monthly and membership confirmed by a majority vote among the five reviewers. If an application is denied, the committee will provide a written explanation for the decision. Applicants can request a second set of reviewers if they wish to appeal the decision.
The committee may revoke membership of individuals who have violated the Society's code of conduct. The code of conduct is reproduced below. When informed that a violation may have occurred, five members of the committee will request information from all involved parties and determine whether the behavior violates the code of conduct. At the next committee meeting, the decision to revoke membership will be determined by a majority vote among the five reviewers. The committee will provide a written explanation for the decision. The individual can request a second set of reviewers if they wish to appeal the decision.
Code of Conduct:
Members are expected to behave with respect and integrity. Behavior that interferes with other members’ participation in the society (e.g., harassment), or that interferes with the society’s ability to make progress towards its goals (e.g., unethical professional behavior), violates the code of conduct and is grounds for removal from the society.