Congratulations to the HiTOP Trainee Research Award winners!
In the 2022 HiTOP meeting we had a HiTOP Trainee Showcase Symposium with some amazing flash talks.
To celebrate the first time that trainees were invited to present at a HiTOP meeting, we created the HiTOP Trainee Research Award. During the HiTOP meeting in May, a Scoring Committee of 10 members of the Executive Committee used a formal rubric to score each trainee's flash talk (with relevant recusals due to conflicts of interest).
Among a stellar set of flash talks, three particularly impressive presenters were selected as HiTOP Trainee Research Award winners. Please join us in congratulating María Martín López, Nathan Hall, and Whitney Ringwald as the inaugural winners of this award!
Flash talk title: Understanding the placement of alcohol and cannabis use problems within the HiTOP structure at the within- vs. between-person level
Flash talk title: The role of cognitive processes in the HiTOP framework: insights from computational and statistical innovations and an application to Externalizing traits
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Flash talk title: Meta-analytic Measurement Invariance of Internalizing and Externalizing Psychopathology Across Methodological Characteristics